PTFE Socket Setting Base Vacuum Tube Amp SP Stand Analog parts Speaker, Horn Audio Rack CD Rack



 Final renewal December 22, 2024

NewbbcvgsA-08SSPower amplifier awarded two prizes from Japanese Magazine

NewssNew Product SIC Diode Unit SIC-01 Ordering Start

NewssIn STEREO Magazine, A-08SS power amplifier was published as a report.

NewA-08SS-SSNew product Vacuum tube amplifier A-08SS Ordering start

Newyr03-ss6N Anealed Single Wire Shell Lead YR-03 Sales Start

New6n-26n-16N copper annealing single wire 2.0, 1.6, 1.2, 0.6mm dia. new release

Newhsa01We begin YOUTUBE and instagram

ptfePTFE wire sales start

HSA-01-SSHead shell HSA-01 was greatly published by the Analog magazine.

HSA-01-SSHead shell with built-in head amplifier HSA-01 New Release

HS-6HS-5We change the hole of HS-5, HS-6 head shells

HS-7-SSCamellia wood Head Shell HS-7 New Release

eco-eWe begen the ecology bag present campaign

GS9Pressure sensitive adhesive sheet GS-9 New Release

kokutan-capkokutan-nobThe ebony case capacitor and the ebony knob new release

A08SBaloon45/245 single stereo Power Amplifier A-08S Baloon new release

A-03S-SSThe new product power amplifier A-03S obtained three prizes.

A-03S-SSKT-88/6550 single stereo Power Amplifier A-03S new release

Information: Materials, such as QB-100, DKS, and DK speaker stand strut

HS-6HS-6SAll Titanium Head Shell HS-6, HS-6S won the audio meikisyou prize.

HS-6HS-6SAll Titanium Head Shell HS-6, HS-6S New Release

HA-03-ssHeadphone / Speaker amplifier HA-03 new release
Carbon head shell HS-4, HS-4S, and Titanium head shell HS-5, HS-5S new release

Additional sale start about MGB-50 of rack size magnet floating base.

A-010 power amplifier, and MGB-45 and MGB-60 audio board were selected by AV Grand Prix.

Attenuator AT-03-1A, AT-03-3A, MGB-45, and 60 audio boards were selected by audio Meikisyou.

Radio and experiment MJ magazine A-010 power amplifier was chosen as technology of the year.

Wood Block BaseBB-50,Butyl Rubber Spacer GS-8 New Release

WE VT-52 Single Stereo Poweramplifier A-010 New Releace

Magnet Floating base Plate type MGB-45,MGB-60 New Release

2 sorts of accessories new release, such as a cartridge attachment bolt

AT-03-1A, AT-03-3A Attenuator unit new release

Fall preventive structure is added to DK series speaker stand.

Information of Wood horn F280A released

The page of audio base insulator accessories was refined.

YDA-01B obtained the prize of Blue Moon Award in Web magazine 6 Moons.

A-06-3 was selected by technology of the year in MJ radio and the experiment Magazine.

We renewed the page vacuum tube socket comprehensibly.

YS-500 and PB-23 selected in audio Excellence Award 2010

Our A-06-3 and PB-23 selected upon Visual Grand Prix 2010

     Vacuum tube output circuit DA converter unit YDA-01B New release

Reference Speaker for our campany YS-500 New release

Big spike receptacle base PB-23 New Release

MT-9P-30mm socket new release

AD1, AD1M Single Stereo Poweramplifier A-06-3 Completed

V groove supporting base VB-25 / VB-18 new release

The prop DKS-KIT for desk top style stand height of 10 cm type new launching

We published the catalog of the SS-300 and SS-500 horn.

A-09S and MGB-2 wins prizes.

A-09S wins MJ magazine' Tecnology of the year prizes.

DA converter unit YDA-01 YDA-01KIT New sales start!

New Magnet floating base MGB-2 Sale start

The 15th anniversary sale of foundation is performed from July 1.

The signal to noise ratio of CA-03, CA-03L and EQB-01 amplifier improved sharply.

New 300B Single Stereo Power amplifier A-09S Sale Start

A-011, YC-03 S/M, and HS-3 win a respectively glorious prize.

CD Direct Input Power amplifier A-011 New sales start!

New Arm Lifter Unit AL-2 Sale start

Cartridge attachment titanium bolt & Head shell of boxwood material new release

DKS-KIT series is corresponded in part.

PTFE socket UX-UX type new release

Magnet floating base MGB-1 wins three prizes.

Headphone amplifier HA-02 new launching

A-08S WE101D/WE104D version ordering start

New! Step up transformer for low impedance MC cartridges SUT-02 PDF file

Magnet floating base MGB-1 new launching PDF file

Triangle setting base PB-22 new launching made of the ebony

Audio rack OSW series selected it to the visual grand prix.

Audio rack OS series won a prize of an Audio accessories magazine.

Power amplifier A-08S obtained high evaluation with "6 moons" the Web audio magazine of U.S.A

38 cm duplex plane baffle speaker systems YS-605P new launching

About the characteristic of case that used 2A3 for A-08S

Audio rack OS, OSW series new launching

A-08S-205D version improvement order received start

Tweeter stand TS-2A new launching

New launching for an ultra small size speaker to the DKS speaker stand

We improve the head shell made of the African Black wood HS-1A, HS-1As new launching

A-08 power amplifier won a prize Blue moon award of Web magazine 6moons of U.S.A

Shell lead, shell lead terminal new launching for the analogue

Print Circuit type MT-9P-PC PTFE Socket -the New!

Wood Head Shell HS-1, HS-2 -the New!

New-style line level pre amplifier CA-04 launching start

PTFE socket new launching for large triode output tube 304TH / 304TL

CA-03 wins a prize the MJ. magazine technology of the year.
CA-03L wins a prize audio epitaph machine prize 2004.

New type PTFE Socket GM70, UX-UF, UX-UV launching
Pinpoint Setting Base PB-20, PB-21 New Launching
A-08 Power amplifier kit version launching start
Vacuum tube power amplifier A-08 was published to the cover of an audio magazine.
New launching Vacuum tube pre amplifier CA-03, CA-03L, Phono equalizer amplifier EQB-01
Shield Ring for MT-9P socket & Announcement of the form change and measure of MT-9P PTFE
Speaker stand DKS-60, DKS-KIT new launching
PB-18 audio epitaph machine prize winning a prize
Base PB-18 new launching that receives the spike pin
"Yamamoto PTFE Tube socket" information is here.
New launching Vacuum tube socket for 316A / 703A / El152
We renewed the PTFE vacuum tube socket, parts catalogs. (HTML File)
NEW.gifNew vacuum tube socket 2 kinds (Side contact 8P, and 7P for 813/4E27) the launching

Besides: the processing technology of our company even the precise processing of the lumber, resin etc. that utilized it are informed. (Inquire the details)

 When you want the product of our company

Yamamoto Sound Craft Corp. 726 Sakaki-tyo Ono-city Hyogo 675-1323 Japan / Tel 81-794-62-5655 Fax 81-794-63-6405